Why do foreigners choose to live in Turkey? A look from the Geo-Political aspect.

At the intersection of Europe, Asia, and Africa, Turkey has access to a wide range of markets, making it a productive and affordable center for important markets. In a 4-hour flying radius, Turkey provides easy access to 1.3 billion people and a combined market with a USD 26 trillion GDP in Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Turkey’s particular geographical situation offers some advantages for influencing other countries. Turkey is strategically located between Asia, which has recently emerged as a crucial hub of economic growth, and Europe, where much of the world’s political and economic power is concentrated. The Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and the Aegean Sea surround Turkey, which is situated on the Anatolian peninsula. Turkey is viewed by Middle Eastern nations as an important transit nation to the West. Turkey currently serves as the Middle East and Europe’s natural energy bridge.
So one might ask, how that encourages people to invest and move to Turkey?
So the answer is simply because it’s to benefit of major countries in the world that Turkey remains safe and peaceful due to the above-mentioned advantages.

And moreover, the Russia-Ukraine war has exposed this reality where Turkey is probably the only direct Mediator in the Russia-Ukraine war, and also Turkey is the country who made Ukraine grain deal possible on 22-July-2022 which is very important because Ukraine plays a crucial role in global food supply to the extent that many countries depend upon Ukraine imports, for example, Moldova imports 92% of its wheat from Ukraine, more over Lebanon 81%, Qatar 64%, and lists goes on. Also, the European Union’s search for alternatives may put Turkey at the center of new supply channels from Azerbaijan and Israel as it rushes to develop strategies to wean itself off Russian gas in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
The ongoing multifaceted conflict between Russia and the West over Ukraine, China performing military drills in Taiwan, the resurgence of direct military tensions involving great powers, the intensifying strategic rivalry between the US and China, a sharp global economic downturn manifested in phenomena like inflation, the reconfiguration of alliances, the disruption of transnational supply chains, financial volatility, and a lack of critical discourse all point to a likely revision of the world order. In this all situation Turkey is still looked at as an advantageous position in the future for many reasons as Turkey remain neutral in its status when it comes to relationship with the major world powers who are actually having a tense relationship between them, So we have turkey which is part of NATO which makes it in very close relation with America and Europe but at the same time having good relations with Russia and China and on its way to make it stronger economically.
Additionally the fact that Turkey is the only Islamic nation that practices secular democracy is the most important factor. With this trait, Turkey is rising as a political, military, and economic force, increasing its stature and importance being the bridge between Western culture and the İslamic world.

All the above reasons show that GeoPolitical location is one of the main reasons why people choose to
live in turkey and buy real estate in turkey and to choose to settle in turkey.